U.S. Army Conference on Applied Statistics

October 18-20, 2000

What: A forum for the presentation of theoretical and applied papers relating to the use of probability and statistics in solving Army problems.

Where: Rice University. Return to the Army Conference Welcome Page for information on restaurants, tourist attractions, and maps.

Confirmed speakers:


  1. Biological Warfare; as organized by Marek Kimmel (Rice University)
  2. Digital Government; as organized by Edward Wegman (George Mason University)
  3. Reliability; as organized by Arthur Fries (Institute for Defense Analysis)

Sponsors: US Army Research Laboratory, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, United States Military Academy, TRADOC Analysis Center-WSMR, Army Research Office, National Institute for Standards and Technology with the cooperation of Los Alamos National Laboratory, RAND, George Mason University, Rice University, Office of Naval Research, Institute for Defense Analysis.

For more information: http://rpstl.arl.mil/isb/acas

Questions: stat@stat.rice.edu