Local Arrangements

Travel to Houston:

Attendees can access Houston from the Hobby Airport or the George Bush International Airport. Directions and maps are provided through the conference welcome page provided by Rice University.

Please note that rooms have been blocked through 24 September.




Conference Facility:

Duncan Hall, on the campus of Rice University, is our conference facility. There is limited parking. We are working to coordinate shuttle transportation from the Crowne Plaza directly to Duncan Hall. Another route is to walk a block or so from the hotel to the campus and board a campus shuttle. A walk to from the hotel directly to Duncan Hall should take about 15 minutes. More information on transportation to the conference site will be posted when it becomes available.

The general sessions will be held in room DH1055. Breakout sessions are scheduled for rooms DH1055, DH1049, and DH3096. The Tuesday evening social and the Wednesday evening Army Wilks Award Banquet will be in Martell Hall, a ballroom within Duncan Hall. A buffet Lunch will be provided in room DH3092 Monday through Thursday.

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