
The proceedings of each U.S. Army Conference on Applied Statistics is published as a CD. All information submitted is to be unclassified and approved for public release, distribution unlimited. All conference participants receive a copy of the proceedings. Manuscripts are strongly encouraged from all sessions but are not a requirement for conference participation. Manuscripts and other documentation should follow the prescribed format given below and sent as e-mail attachments to Barry Bodt by February 2, 2001. E-mail is preferred. Papers received after that date will not be included in the proceedings.



Manuscript Preparation

Manuscript Preparation Instructions for Authors submitting to the Proceedings of the Army Conference on Applied Statistics (ACAS)

Beginning in the year 2000, the proceedings will be produced on a CD-ROM. This will require submission in the form of an electronic file. The ultimate production will be in the form of an Adobe Acrobat PDF file. If authors produce their own Adobe Acrobat files, they should produce a file that contains embedded fonts if at all possible. This gives much better screen resolution; however, MS Word, LaTeX, EXP, and PostScript files are also acceptable. In the rare event that an author cannot provide an electronic file, we can process a paper copy with a scanner, but results are far less satisfactory.

1. Contributed papers should not exceed 15 pages, and invited papers should not exceed 20 pages. These pages include everything --- bibliography, tables, graphics, title, etc.

2. Center your title horizontally on the middle five inches of the first page, and list the authors and addresses under the title. Vertically, the title should start on the first line of the page. If you cite support, do so in a footnote. Keywords and phrases may be added, but are not required.

3. Experience has shown that electronic papers (an oxymoron) appear better in a single-column format. The basic text should be five inches wide horizontally and 8.5 inches tall vertically. If using standard 8.5 x 11 paper, this means the side margins are 1 and 3/4 inches to the left of the column and 1 and 3/4 inches to the right of the column. The typing area for Text should begin 1 and 1/2 inches from the top of the page and leave one inch at the bottom of the page. If possible, use right justification. This format is essentially the same as that found in the Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, or the Annals of Statistics.

4. To ensure uniformity of appearance, it is recommended to use 10 point type, preferably computer modern or Times Roman.

5. The manuscript should be single spaced. If you are familiar with TeX, this means a baseline skip of 12 points.

6. The abstract should follow the title and affiliations.

7. Other formatting is left to the discretion of the author(s).

8. The Manuscript may be submitted electronically if in TeX, LaTeX, MS Word, EXP, text, or PostScript form.


Submission of other materials: Authors are encouraged to submit additional supporting materials, including PowerPoint presentations (.ppt files), animations (.mpeg, .mpg, .avi, .mov files), color illustrations (.gif for line drawings, .jpg or .jpeg for continuous tone images, .tiff files), software code, and datasets. Software and data should be sent in plain text files for easiest use, although MS Excel or MS Access files are also satisfactory for data sets.

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