Conferences Since 1995

Year: 2012, 18th
Site: Monterey, CA
Tutorial: Statistics for Spatio-Temporal Data
Presenter: Chris Wikle, University of Missouri
Invited Speakers: Jeff Wu, Ofer Harel, Thomas Love, Ji Zhu
Army Wilks Medal Winner: C.F. Jeff Wu

Year: 2011, 17th
Site: Annapolis, MD
Tutorial: Applied Logistic Regression
Presenter: COL Rodney Sturdivant, United States Military Academy, West Point
Invited Speakers: Bruce West, Sidney Resnick, Carey Priebe, Maksim Tsvetovat, Peter Qian
Army Wilks Medal Winner: Bruce West

Year: 2010, 16th
Site: SAS, Cary, NC
Tutorial: Design of Experiments: New Methods and How to Use Them
Presenters: Douglas Montgomery, Arizona State University and Bradley Jones, SAS JMP
Invited Speakers: J. Stuart Hunter, Catherine Warner, Dan Nettleton, Brian Williams and David Higdon, Richard Heiberger, Greg Hutto, Francisco Samaniego, James R. Thompson
Army Wilks Medal Winner: Arthur Fries

Year: 2009, 15th
Site: Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
Tutorial: Categorical Data Analysis
Presenter: Brian Marx, Louisiana State University
Invited Speakers: Michael Jordan (Keynote Address), Douglas Montgomery, Rebecca Goldin, Heike Hofmann, Sarah Bradon
Army Wilks Medal Winner: Donald Gaver

Year: 2008, 14th
Site: Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, VA
Tutorial: An Introduction to R
Presenter: Di Cook, Iowa State University
Invited Speakers: Richard L. Smith (Keynote Address), Andrew Glen, Edward Wegman, Wendy Tam Cho, Douglas Wolfe
Army Wilks Medal Winner: Francisco J. Samaniego

Year: 2007, 13th
Site: Rice University, Houston, TX
Tutorial: An Introduction to Network Analysis
Presenters: Stan Wasserman and Ann McCranie, Indiana University
Invited Speakers: Ron Fricker (Keynote Address), Bruce West, Karen Kafadar, Cliff Spiegelman, Thomas Mathew, Mike Trossett, Amarjit Budhiraja, Chris Arney
Army Wilks Medal Winner: Wei-Yin Loh

Year: 2006, 12th
Site: NISS, Durham, NC
Tutorial: Robust Nonparametric Methods for the General Linear Model
Presenters: Joseph W. McKean, Western Michigan University and Jeff Terpstra, University of North Dakota
Invited Speakers: Carey Priebe (Keynote Address), Don Brown, Danyu Lin, Galit Shmueli, C. Shane Reese
Army Wilks Medal Winner: Barry Bodt

Year: 2005, 11th
Site: Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA
Tutorial: Mixed-effects Models Using R
Presenter: Douglas Bates, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Invited Speakers: Wei-Yin Loh (Keynote Address), Sallie Keller-McNulty, Zhengyuan Zhu, Barbara Billauer, Chris Raphael, Nozer Singpurwalla
Army Wilks Medal Winner: No award was given.

Year: 2004, 10th
Site: GA Tech Hotel & Conference Center, Atlanta, GA
Tutorial: Quantitative Graphics and Visual Analytics for Communication and Discovery
Presenter: Dan Carr, George Mason University
Invited Speakers: Ron Brookmeyer (Keynote Address), Douglas M. Bates, David Banks, Bill Szewczyk, Mark Vangel, Russell Lenth, John W. Loonsk
Army Wilks Medal Winner: David Scott

Year: 2003, 9th
Site: Napa Valley Marriott, Napa Valley, CA
Tutorial: Generalized Linear Mixed Models
Presenter: Charles McCulloch, University of California, San Francisco
Invited Speakers: Brad Carlin (Keynote), Mike Hamada, Hari Iyer, S. Rao Jammalamadaka, Adrian Raftery, Jerome Friedman, Hildegarde Heymann
Army Wilks Medal Winner: Donald Barr

Year: 2002, 8th
Site: North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC
Tutorial: Statistical Data Mining
Presenters: Edward J. Wegman, George Mason University, Jeff L. Solka, Naval Surface Warfare Center
Invited Speakers: Alan Agresti (Keynote), David Marchette, Steve Marron, Carey Priebe, Francisco J. Samaniego, Russell Wolfinger, James R. Thompson
Army Wilks Medal Winner: Eugene Dutoit

Year: 2001, 7th
Site: Los Alamos National Laboratory (Bishop's Lodge), Santa Fe, NM
Tutorial: Applied Logistic Regression
Presenter: David Hosmer, University of Massachusetts
Invited Speakers: David Scott (Keynote), Leo Breiman, WJ Conover, Bin Yu, William Meeker, Juergen Symanzik, Jas. Mercer-Smith
Army Wilks Medal Winner: No award was given.

Year: 2000, 6th
Site: Rice University, Houston, TX
Tutorial: Data, Knowledge, and Information Integration to Support Decision Making
Presenter: Statistical Sciences Group (LANL), Chief, Sallie Keller-McNulty
Invited Speakers: Nozer Singpurwalla (Keynote), Stuart Gemen, Alan Agresti, Noel Cressie, Emanuel Parzen, Don Berry, Naomi Oreskes, Matthew Caffrey
Army Wilks Medal Winner: C.R. Rao

Year: 1999, 5th
Site: United States Military Academy, West Point, NY
Tutorial: Data Mining with Decision Trees
Presenter: Wei-Yin Loh, University of Wisconsin
Invited Speakers: Edward Wegman (Keynote), Jayaram Sethuraman, Daryl Pregibon, Charles McCulloch, David Banks, Ingram Olkin
Army Wilks Medal Winner: Edward Wegman

Year: 1998, 4th
Site: New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM
Tutorial: Bayesian Statistical Inference
Presenter: Nozer Singpurwalla, George Washington University
Invited Speakers: James Thompson (Keynote), Richard Laferriere, Stephen Robinson, Bart Wilburn, Sandy Weisberg, Fran Samaniego, Boris Rozovskii
Army Wilks Medal Winner: Robert Launer

Year: 1997, 3rd
Site: George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
Tutorial: Virtual Reality and Scientific Visualization
Presenters: Edward Wegman and Dan Carr, George Mason University
Invited Speakers: Tom Hettmansperger (Keynote), Jeff Birch, Lyle Ungar, Judea Pearl, Don Berry, Carey Priebe, J. David Cooke
Army Wilks Medal Winner: Jay Conover

Year: 1996, 2nd
Site: Test and Evaluation Command, Monterey, CA
Tutorial: Quality Control and the Deming Paradigm
Presenter: James Thompson, Rice University
Invited Speakers: C.R. Rao (Keynote), Ulf Grenander, Herman Chernoff, Rob Kass
Army Wilks Medal Winner: No award was given.

Year:1995, 1st
Site: U.S. Army Research Laboratory, Adelphi, MD
Tutorial: Tree-Structured Methods
Presenter: Wei-Yin Loh, University of Wisconsin
Invited Speakers: W.J. Conover (Keynote), John Green, Max Woods, Roy Reynolds, James Gentle
Army Wilks Medal Winner: No award was given.