ICAS  Rescheduled!


Third Note 11/15/13

ICAS has been rescheduled for December 9-13. The venue is the American Statistical Association facilities in Alexandria, VA. The program is largely intact with regard to the tutorial and invited speakers. Given the new location and date, there is a possibility of additional contributed papers. A new date for accepting abstracts is November 30th. If you were originally scheduled to give a paper or attend the tutorial we ask that you confirm that commitment or advise as to withdraw with an email to Wendy Martinez <Martinez.Wendy@bls.gov> so that adjustments can be made in the program. A revised agenda will be made available as soon as possible once contributed speaker commitments can be confirmed. If you do need to withdraw participation,refund requests for registration fees should go to Liz Quigley.

Second Note 10/28/13

The Executive Board is attempting to reschedule ICAS. We hope to have this decision made within a couple of weeks. At that time, the new dates and location will be made available to all by e-mail. If you will not be able to attend the rescheduled meeting, the conference will refund your registration fee at that time. Please be patient as the Board attempts a recovery of this year's conference.

First Note 10/14/13

Due to the government shutdown and uncertainties about site availability and government attendance, the Executive Board has decided to indefinitely postpone ICAS. This applies to both the conference and tutorial. The current thinking is that the conference might be rescheduled further into the fiscal year, but specifics are not available. Anyone anticipated to have attended this conference will be e-mailed if a rescheduling occurs.