Bayesian Inference
October 19 & 20

Prof. Robert Gramacy, University of Chicago

Course Logistics:
Dates: October 19 & 20
Times: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Location: The Hub
Rooms: 3 & 4

Course Preparation:

Please download all files and print out the lecture notes and exercises. It will be important for you to have access to the electronic versions of the R files (in the demos directory) so you can follow along on your own computer. You can also adapt the code(s) to work on the in-class exercises, as necessary. New link to course materials: Download Materials.

We were asked about R packages needed to run the code in the demos directory. Please have the following installed on your machines, along with R: coda, ellipse, mvtnorm, akima.

R should install/load any subsequent packages that are needed with the above.

Course Description

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