Call for Papers
The Executive Board for the Conference on Applied Statistics in Defense (CASD), formerly the Army Conference on Applied Statistics, is pleased to announce that this year’s conference will be held from October 24-28 at the Bureau of Labor Statistics in Washington, DC. CASD is a conference of the Interface Foundation of North America and the American Statistical Association. It is a forum for the presentation and discussion of theoretical and applied papers relating to the use of probability and statistics for solving problems of national importance, with an emphasis on defense and national security. CASD provides valuable opportunities for constructive interaction among academic, industry, and government agency scientists. CASD also serves a nurturing role in the elevation of statistical proficiency among researchers in other disciplines who find themselves statistical practitioners because of the compelling benefits statistical science brings to research, development, and testing.
This year’s conference program will include invited talks and 90-minute tutorials by prominent investigators in various branches of statistics and applied probability as well as contributed papers of a technical, applied, or clinical nature. The most up-to-date list of speakers can be found at the conference web site.
A short course on An Introduction to R and Data Visualization will be offered on October 24-25 by Abel Rodriguez from the University of California, Santa Cruz. The visualization concepts will be generally applicable and software independent, but they will be demonstrated using R. Participants will work with numerous examples of code that can be adapted to their own purposes; the course is built around a large number of examples and case studies that illustrate both the best and worst practices in visualization design.
During the conference, on October 26-28, there will also be a set of 90-minute tutorials covering (tentatively) bootstrapping/resampling, adversarial risk assessment, survey design, design for binomial response experiments, Bayesian analysis, and software testing.
CASD technical sessions will feature contributed papers by government, academic, and industrial scientists. Contributed papers can range in content from new research to well-posed problems in which statistical methods are applied to solve specific national problems. Speakers are strongly encouraged to present their papers in terms of the potential or real problems that motivated the work. Results that rely on relatively recent or specialized results in the theory of statistics and probability should be explained in sufficient detail to permit an audience of statistical practitioners with broadly varying backgrounds to use the results to enhance their own problem-solving capabilities.
Clinical sessions, a distinct element of CASD, accept unresolved problems in applied statistics. A panel of experts comprised of invited speakers and other distinguished attendees offer guidance on how to proceed. We invite you to consider this opportunity to present an interesting statistical problem to some of the country’s leading applied and mathematical statisticians.
Participation from many activities is sought to ensure a mixture of science and application. A call for papers is hereby extended. Speakers will be notified regarding paper acceptance on a rolling basis, but no later than September 12. To submit a paper for consideration, please send the following information by September 5 to Alyson Wilson,
- Title of paper, and a brief abstract.
- Name of author(s) and exact title of the organization(s).
- Type of paper (technical or clinical).
- Telephone number of the author(s).
- E-mail address of the author(s).
Technical papers last 30 minutes and include 5 minutes at the end for audience discussion and questions. Of the 40 minutes available for clinical papers, approximately 15 minutes are recommended for the problem statement, allowing 25 minutes for panel discussion.
The Conference on Applied Statistics in Defense also marks the occasion when the Army Wilks Award is presented for significant contributions in statistical research or applications relevant to national defense. This year the Board is accepting open nominations for award candidates. A letter of nomination, up to three supporting letters, and the nominee’s CV should be e-mailed by August 15, 2016 to Jock Grynovicki,
This year’s conference will take place at the Bureau of Labor Statistics in downtown Washington, DC just across the street from the city’s transportation hub, Union Station. Registration will open on June 1, 2016. There is no hotel or room block associated with the conference. Any additional inquiries concerning the conference may be directed to Alyson Wilson,, 919-515-1901.