Conference on the Design of Experiments in Army Research, Development, and Testing
November 4-6, 1959
US Army Biological Warfare Laboratories, Fort Detrick, MD

Proceedings, Part 1 and Part 2



Invited Speakers

Title Author
The Method of Paired Comparisons H.A. David
Measures of Competing Exponential Mortality Risks with Especial Reference to the Study of Smoking and Lung Cancer Joseph Berkson
The Army Research and Development Program as It Relates to the Civil Economy Richard Weiss
Prediction of the Reliability of Complex Systems Nicholas E. Golovin
Medical Health Statistics Wilford J. Dixon
Sampling in Biological Populations D.B. DeLury

Contributed Papers

Title Author
On the Repeated-Measurements Design in Biological Experiments Ardie Lubin
Design of Experiments Using Germfree Animals Stanley M. Levenson, Ole J. Malm, and Richard E. Horowitz
The Development of Parameters for Determining the Resistance of Selected Missile Components to Microbiological Deterioration C. Bruce Lee
Statistical Analysis of Various Parameters of Burning Characteristics of Flare Systems Bossie Jackson
A Statistical Evaluation of the Pyrotechnic Electrostatic Sensitivity Tester Everett D. Crane, Chester Smith, and Alonzo Bulfinch
Dispersion Strengthening Analysis of Cermets (Title Only) John M. Woulbroun
Experimental Determination of “Best” Component Levels in Thermal Power Supplies Abstract Sheldon G. Levin
The Application of Fractional Factorials in Missile Test Programs Paul C. Cox
The Design and Re-design of an Experiment C.W. Mullis
Estimating the Parameters of a Modified Poisson Distribution A.C. Cohen
The Detection of Guess Responses in the Rating of Statements by the Method of Successive Categories Lee E. Paul and Howard W. Hembree
Unbiased Estimation Based on Transformed Variables, with Particular Reference to Cloud Seeding Jerzy Neyman and Elizabeth L. Scott
Mathematical and Statistical Principles Underlying Chemical Corps Inspection Procedures for Product Verification Henry Ellner and Joseph Mandelson
Measuring a Complex Field Operation K.L. Yudowitch
The Conduct of Military Field Research on a Shoe-String A.J. Eckles, III
Sample Order Statistics of the Circular Normal Distribution (Title Only) Helen J. Coon
Proposal for Field Calibration of a Tracking Radar Victor B. Kovac

Clinical Papers

Title Author
Design of Environmental Experiments for Reliability Prediction A. Bulfinch
Multidimensional Staircase Designs for Reliability Studies David R. Howes
A Proposed Research Program for Providing a Quantitative Basis for Preventive Maintenance Policies on Ordnance Equipment Walton M. Hancock and Randall E. Cline
Design for Estimation by Covariance Techniques Morris Rhian
Design of an Experiment to Evaluate a Bio-assay with Non-parallel Slopes Albert L. Fernelius
The ORO Aircraft Vulnerability Experiment Charles A. Bruce and Bruce Taylor
Design for a Proposed Field Experiment with Light Anti-tank Weapons R.E. Tiller, J.D. Reed, and J.P. Young