J.J. Speaker and C.C. Co-author
Startling Statistics Incorporated
Beverly Hills, California 90210


Abstract text begins here. The abstract should be brief (150 words or less) but informative, describing the work that was accomplished, how and why it was done, and the results of the work.

The manuscript should be single spaced with a 10-point type font, preferably Times Roman, and limited to approximately 10 pages. The top, side, and bottom margins are 1 inch and must not be exceeded.

INTRODUCTION (First-Level Heading)

The report text begins here. Paragraph indentation is five spaces from the left margin and the right margin is justified. No classification markings are to be used on completely unclassified papers. All papers in this conference are completely unclassified, approved for public release. Double space between paragraphs and before and after first- and second-level headings. Do not number any headings.



The second-level heading is flush left, all caps, and underscored.

Third-Level Heading. This is an example of a run-in heading for a third-level
heading. The heading is indented, underscored, and initial capped.



Do not begin a new page for each section. Include only essential illustrations and tables. The legibility of the illustrations and their text callouts (labels) is vital. Neatly prepare the illustration callouts in text as large as the general manuscript type. Number illustrations consecutively.

Cite all illustrations in the text. It is preferred that you place them as close as possible to their first mention in the text; however, you may choose to put them at the end of the paper. Illustrations must remain within the 1-inch margins. Figures in half tone are preferred. High-quality black and white glossy photographs are acceptable. A Xeroxed copy of a picture will not reproduce well when the document is printed. The figure caption will be centered under the figure. Captions should be type single spaced.

Cite all tables in the text. It is preferred that you place them as close as possible to their first mention in the text; however, you may choose to put the tables, followed by figures, at the end of the paper. Care should be taken that a table does not overlap onto the next page. Table captions should be centered above the table and have the first letters of all main word in capitals. Captions should be typed single spaced.

Footnotes should be typed in a font smaller than that used for the normal text above the bottom 1-inch margin. A dividing line should be used to separate text from the footnote(s).

Scientific and engineering terms should be written in SI units followed immediately in parentheses by the equivalent English units.


Acknowledgments should be typed as text and placed before the references. The word ACKNOWLEDGMENTS should be capitalized and centered above the citation.


References in the text will be numbered consecutively by superscripts. The references will be collected at the end of the text. The author of the journal article, the title of the journal article, the title of the journal in which is appears, the volume number, the first page, and the year should follow, in that order. Books should be cited similarly and include the publisher's location and name along with the year. Although not shown, journals and book titles should be underlined.

1. Popeye, I, and U. Chunk. "The Merits of Eating Spinach." Journal of Nutrition, vol. IV, p.42, 1995.

2. Edward, E. Elementary Rules of Fatherhood. New York: Wooley, 1994.

3. Spud, U.A. "A Scientific Comparison of the Nutritional Values of Idaho and Maine Potatoes." Report No. 4444, U.S. Tuber Research Institute, Ketchup, Idaho, March 1989.

Each page of the document should be numbered lightly at the bottom of the sheet with a nonphoto blue pencil.


If you have any question concerning the format or submission of your paper, please contact Barry Bodt.

U.S. Army Research Laboratory
AMSRL-IS-CD (Dr. Bodt)
APG, MD 21005-5067

COMM 410-278-6659/DSN 298-6659/FAX 410-278-4988/


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