
The proceedings of each U.S. Army Conference on Applied Statistics is published as an Army Research Laboratory Special Report in approximately July of the following year. All conference participants receive a copy of the proceedings. Manuscripts are strongly encouraged from all sessions but are not a requirement for conference participation. Manuscripts should follow the prescribed manuscript format and reach the address below by February 2, 2000. Papers received after that date will not be included in the proceedings.

With regard to the manuscript format, we ask that you take note of the page limit. Although it is not absolute, we have chosen this number to ensure that printing and binding can be handled with local press facilities, hence lowering cost. The proceedings and conference presentation are are both to be completely unclassified. Proceedings will have the distribution statement, "Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited." No sensitive or proprietary information will be permitted in your paper.

All papers should be mailed to:

U.S. Army Research Laboratory
APG, MD 21005-5067

or e-mailed as an attachment to Barry Bodt,

Note: MS Word attachments are most convenient.


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